How old am i Today?
How old am I today? Calculate your exact age today or at any point in the past or future with our free Age Calculator now! Age will be displayed in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and also in seconds.
Date of Birth: |
Age at the Date of: |
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The use of the “How Old am I Today” calculator

The “How Old am I Today?” calculator tells you how old exactly you are today. The calculator gives you the result in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and, of course, years.
If you want to know how old you are today, you only have to enter your date of birth. One way to do this is to select the month and the day from the drop-down menu on the calculator form, then enter the year of your birth. The other option is that you use the box under the calculator and choose the year, the month and the day of your birth. Simple, isn’t it?
Whichever method you choose, the “How Old am I Today?” calculator will immediately show you your exact age. Would you like to know how old you were or will be on a certain day? Enter any date in the past or in the future under your date of birth. The calculator is able to tell you how old you were or will be on this day.
How does the “How Old am I Today” calculator calculate?
The calculator calculates how many days have passed between your date of birth and today. Thus it can tell you in years, months and days how old you exactly are today.
Moreover, the “How old am I today?” question may be answered in several formats. For example, you can find out how old you are in minutes or hours.
What else can you use the “How Old am I Today” calculator for?
- If you enter a date in the past instead of today's date, you can find out how old you were on that day.
- If you enter a date in the future instead of today's date, you can find out how old you will be on that day.
In addition to this, you should also check out where a number of interesting and exciting, age- and birthday-related calculators are available.