Heart Rate by Age
Heart Rate by Age Calculator to easily find out resting, maximum, target and fat burning heart rate. What is my normal heart rate if i'm X years old? Just give your age and our free Heart Rate by Age Calculator tells you in a second!
Your Age: |
Gender: | |
What is your age?
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The use of the Heart Rate Calculator

With the Heart Rate Calculator you can easily determine your normal heart rate range. Simply enter your age and sex, and you will see the result immediately. If you do not want to type the numbers, you can select your date of birth and your age from the menu appearing under the calculator.
How does the Heart Rate Calculator calculate?
The Heart Rate Calculator calculates the normal heart rate range based on internationally accepted standards. This chart was created by doctors to determine normal and healthy heart rate at rest based on age and sex.
The Heart Rate Calculator will also calculate the following values for you (the formula for calculating the specific heart rate type is shown in brackets):
- Maximum heart rate (for men = 220 - age; for women = 216 - [age * 0.88])
- Training heart rate (50-85% of the maximum heart rate)
- Fat burning heart rate (60-70% of the maximum heart rate)
What else can you use the Heart Rate Calculator for?
The heart rate calculator will even calculate the following values for you:
- Maximum heart rate: the maximum heart rate per minute based on your age and sex.
- Training heart rate: your ideal heart rate range during exercise based on your age and sex.
- Fat-burning heart rate: the heart rate range, based on your age and sex, where fat is burned most efficiently. This is a narrower range of the training heart rate (see the formula above).